1: “Pengintegrasian Ilmu Naqli dan Ilmu Aqli dalam Pendidikan” by Prof. Madya
Dr. Nurkhamimi Zainudin (USIM)
What was/were the new term(s) you have heard from the presentation?
The new term that I heard from this talk is the concept of
neo-liberal. As explained by the presenter, when it comes to neo-liberal
approach, individuals are deemed as a modal or a mean of exploitation for the
sake of development and advancement, to the extent that they are to be one the
same par with material, money and so forth. Another term that caught my
attention is future-proof; which carry the denotation of something that is unlikely
to become obsolete. The reason why this term is mentioned during the
presentation is to put emphasis on the importance of producing well-rounded
graduates that have the sense of holisticism wherein they employ the creative
and critical ability, intuitive, ethics and soft skills to face the changes
challenges in job market in the future.
What was / were the technology(ies) / technological advancement
mentioned by the presenters?
One new platform for online learning mentioned by the presenter is
GOALS (Global Open Access Learning System) which is designed and opened for
access for all USIM students and educators only as compared to MOOC (Massive
Open Online Courses) which can be accessed by everyone including publics. GOALS
is used for the purpose of communication and interaction in teaching and
learning process in order to ensure their advancement in education to face the
Industrial Revolution 4.0. The objective of the program is to increase access
to the writings and research paper conducted by USIM through various medium of
publications. For the previous years, USIM has been in line with digitalisation
by turning their printed materials for reference purposes into digital
materials. As of 2019, USIM has improvised the effort and policy by taking into
account the visibility of the academic material and protecting the legal right
of the said materials.
What would be the implications of the points in terms of teaching
and learning in general and specific to your future teaching practices?
In my opinion, what the presenter wanted to convey from his
presentation is how crucial it is for educators to inculcate in their teaching
and learning practice the techno-humanistic education which consist of mastery
of science-technology, mastery of moral values and the implementation of moral
values. Apart from that, to provide plenty of resources for the students for
their learning may also help them to prosper and enhance themselves. In terms
of my future teaching practices, it is important for me to cater to my
students’ needs as well as various learning styles, preferences and interest.
2 : “Nurturing The Intellectual Mind: The Story of Mathematics and Technology”
by Prof Dr Parmjit Singh (UiTM)
What was/were the new term(s) you have heard from the presentation?
One new term that I have heard during this presentation
is the development of mathematical thinking and from what I read mathematical
thinking is a whole way of looking at things, stripping them down to their
essentials, whether it's numerical, structural or logical and then analysing
the underlying patterns.
What was / were the technology(ies) / technological advancement
mentioned by the presenters?
Technological advancement mentioned by the presenter is
regarding the Education 4.0 where due to the fact that 4IR (Industrial
Revolution 4.0) is transforming the world, there are changes in technology like
internet and Artificial Intelligence and they have affected the industries, it
somehow causes evolution in education as well.
What would be the implications of the points in terms of teaching
and learning in general and specific to your future teaching practices?
It is undeniable that technology has become a major help in
enhancing and facilitating learning of students by providing an abundance of
resources as well as interactive activities and applications. During the
presentation, Prof Dr Parmjit Singh has mentioned how technology is important
but we have to consider the other side of technology where it may affect the
pedagogical practices in classroom, of how the web has replaced and interrupted
the notion of learning through interaction. When there is too much technology
inculcated in classroom, somehow the “Aha!” moment will become non-existent when
in fact those moments are critical because they turn information into
knowledge. Educators need to know how to differentiate between lecturing and teaching.
While lecturing merely means doing presentation, teaching means there is an
interaction that has taken place whether it’s between the teacher, students or
environment. The fact that the role of teacher is not a dispenser of knowledge
should also be put in limelight.
Ours is called UiTM MOOC.